
Bryant Godfrey用Bloomberg法讨论社交媒体药商


FoleyHoag伙伴和FDA实践联席 布赖恩特戈弗雷BloombergLaw最近文章透视社会媒体平台上受FDA阻抗的药广告如何置消费者于险境

社会媒体广告需与传统广告形式遵循相同的指南,布隆贝格发现这些广告提供有限免产品警告林业局于2014年起草了社交媒体指南,该指南从未定稿Godfrey noted that "FDA officials knew when they were drafting the policies in 2014 that social media would evolve" and added that "there's so many different social media channels out there that FDA clearly didn't have an idea of what would be down the line." As FDA's social media ad regulation continues to evolve with the help of OPDP research, "FDA could establish an online form or another formalized intake measure for submitting complaints to its Bad Ad Program." He continues stating "If there was something more in place, such as an online reporting mechanism, the agency would be able to better see trends and kind of get ahead of it, even from a policy standpoint."

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